Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trying on the dog collar . . .

I just realized that I forgot to tell my loyal blog fans--all three of you, I think--that I have been accepted as a candidate for the diaconate. That's the last official milestone before ordination. Next I finish my formation (book larnin'), then apply for ordination.

This weekend at Diocesan Convention, in celebration of my candidacy, I decided to try on the dog collar. Well, not THE dog collar . . .

That would be inappropriate. Instead, I experimented with an actual dog collar embroidered with the Episcopal shield (for those liturgically minded canines who have chosen the Episcopal Church as their faith community--episcopooches) . . .

and then, of course, someone has to hold the leash. After consultation with the CoM (Commission on Ministry) it was determined that since I'm a candidate for the diaconate, the bishop should hold the leash since I will be ordained to a "ministry of servanthood directly under [my] bishop."

To the church ladies who were perturbed: This has nothing to do with gender! It's a play on words--"dog collar," get it?--and a hyperbolic interpretation of the historic relationship between deacons and their bishop. In other words, it was a joke! Thanks to Bishop Waggoner for being such a good sport!


  1. Hahahaha! So what has happened since?

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